Factor #2 – Safety:
When designing your custom frameless shower, it is crucial to take into account size and weight restrictions.
Shower glass is available in two thickness options: 3/8” and ½”. Each thickness can accommodate different setups based on the total height, total width, and total square footage of the glass.
Depending on the chosen glass thickness, configurations, and hardware, your glass can safely support a range of options as outlined by the NGA (National Glass Association).
Safety recommendations are highlighted in the below data tables:

Factor #3 – Hardware
Once the rough opening and layout of the shower have been determined, the next step is to select a hardware style and color.
One of the advantages of a frameless shower is its reduced reliance on metal compared to a traditional shower enclosure.
When designing your shower, the following hardware components should be taken into consideration:
- Door hardware which would include handles and hinges
- Stationary or Fixed Panel hardware which requires channel or clamps for proper mounting
- Any specialty components based on chosen setup which may include, towel bars, and header supports.
Northwestern Glass Fab takes pride in providing a wide range of hardware color options. We offer both in-stock colors which are readily available in our facility and can also accommodate special orders through our exception vendor partners.
Our stock color options include:
- Silver
- Oil Rubbed Bronze
- Brushed Nickle
- Matte Black
If you are looking to match existing hardware or if you don’t find the desired color listed above, please feel free to contact NWGF. We work with numerous reputable shower hardware vendors and can facilitate custom orders to obtain the ideal color for your shower hardware.
Factor #4 – Final Details:
Now that you have established your shower enclosure configuration, and have chosen the hardware style and color, there are two final details to consider.
Consideration #1: Glass Type
As mentioned earlier, frameless showers are available in 3/8” and ½” glass options. At NWGF we take pride in offering a variety of glass types, including patterned glass to suit various needs.
Some of the common options selected by customers includes:
- Clear Glass
- Patterned Rain Glass
- Satin (frosted) Glass
You can review the available glass types offered by NWGF here.
Consideration #2: Glass Coating
Are you interested in having a coated, protective glass for your shower? NWGF is pleased to offer two solutions for this application with Clearshield and Showerguard, which provide enhanced glass protection.
Clearshield is applied to the interior surface of the glass after fabrication and offers a 10-year warranty. It helps prevent streaking and water spots from forming on the glass inside the shower.
Showerguard utilizes a similar technology, but the protective properties are embedded into the glass during the manufacturing process, offering a limited lifetime warranty on the product.
And there you have it! Now you have the necessary information to design and achieve your dream frameless shower. We understand that you may still have questions, and do not worry! At NWGF we have a team of highly skilled professionals who are ready to address any inquiry you may have. Our team is more than happy to assist you at every step along the way.
Alumax Shower Website – https://www.alumaxshowerdoor.com/
Northwestern Glass Fab Website – https://www.nwglassfab.com/
NGA Frameless Shower Enclosure Document – https://www.glass.org/news/2021/nga-releases-new-frameless-shower-enclosures-technical-design-guide
Clearshield Technologies, LLC https://www.clearshieldonline.com/
Guardian ShowerGuard Glass – https://www.guardianglass.com/us/en/our-glass/showerguard
General Application